Workforce Management


As applications become more numerous and complex, threats continue to increase, and connectivity bandwidth prices drop; one area that can have a profound impact on your business in desktop virtualization.  Known as Desktop-as-a-Service ("DaaS"), IT-as-a-Service ("ITaaS"), and Virtual Desktop Infrastructure ("VDI"), this entails moving various functions that traditionally resided on the PC to a service provider in the cloud. 

This can include applications such as Microsoft Office and operating systems such as Windows.  You will typically pay on a per seat basis.  Many applications have always been this way- think  Some, such as QuickBooks are moving in this direction.  This 

There are many benefits to this model.  This migration simplifies support needed for the endpoints.  It's estimated that 80% of IT staff time is on break/fix. Therefore, this will often include endpoint helpdesk.  Software updates are more easily facilitated.  Employee activation/deactivation is a few keystrokes.  And by moving processing to the cloud, you can extend endpoint life and embrace bring-your-own-device ("BYOD") policies including tablets and cell phones.


Interactive Assessments for Workforce Management

  • Desktop-as-a-Service- Desktop as a Service (DaaS) provides virtual desktops to end users, allowing them to use any device (laptop, tablet, phone, thin client). It differs from VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) in that the provider hosts and manages the desktop virtualization platform.

  • Email & Productivity- Email & Productivity is a managed SaaS solution providing hosted email, web & desktop applications (word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, etc.), file storage, and optionally voice. Popular solutions include Microsoft’s Office 365 & Microsoft 365, and Google’s G Suite.

  • Help Desk- Help Desk Services consist of outsourced help desk staffing, and do not typically include ticketing software. They can replace an internal help desk entirely, or provide augmentation during peak hours. Help Desk Services can reduce overhead, improve service, and increase productivity.

  • Hosted Fax- Hosted Fax or eFax is a scalable, highly available Internet service that replaces fax machines and fax servers. Users are able to securely send and receive documents using their phones or laptops.

  • Work from Home- During this global crisis, many companies are implementing work from home (WFH) policies to keep their employees safe. However, this puts a burden on both IT staff and end users, to maintain the levels of security and productivity they've grown accustomed to. This is where cloud and managed IT providers come into play. They can implement solutions rapidly and effectively so that businesses can bridge the IT gap and focus on what really matters.

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